Please watch this short video, introducing me as the endorsed insurance broker for the NCN District of Assemblies of God. I've got great ideas to share with you, and can't wait to get started!
Please enjoy this informative webinar, to learn more about the MetLife dental, vision, life, and legal insurance programs
offered exclusively to the NCN District!
Affordable dental, vision, and life insurance available
exclusively to Assemblies of God Ministers and Staff
Offered by MetLife, the portfolio of choices includes:
2 Dental PPO's and 1 Dental DHMO, all of which cover implants and have no “waiting periods” for services.
Vision plans using the extensive VSP network, with exams and lenses every 12 months and a $130 credit toward glasses or contacts. New frames are covered every 24 months.
Life insurance up to $150,000 in coverage with no proof of health/evidence of insurability for newly credentialed pastors and new hires. (Other eligible ministers and staff may enroll during annual enrollment in May. Some restrictions apply.)
Hyatt Legal Services with access to 14,000 attorneys and face-to-face consultation or court representation.
Plus you’ll also receive access to discounted rates on auto and homeowners’ insurance.
Contact Assemblies of God Benefits Account Manager, Anamaria Nunez,
at or call Anamaria at (323) 805-2924
MetLife Insurance Options: Effective June 1, 2021-May 31, 2022
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